Nurturing Motherhood Together

Because you don't have to do it alone.

Pregnancy Depression

Pregnancy is a time of profound change, both physically and emotionally. While it’s often portrayed as a time of joy and anticipation, many women experience a range of emotions that can be overwhelming. Maternal mental health during pregnancy is crucial for the well-being of both mother and baby. Here are some common areas where women may struggle:

  • Embracing uncertainty and mixed feelings
  • Coping with unexpected changes in pregnancy
  • Addressing anxiety or depression during pregnancy
  • Embracing body changes and nurturing self-esteem
  • Overcoming fears about pregnancy and childbirth
  • Coping with Fetal Anomalies 
  • Managing a High-Risk Pregnancy
  • Nurturing relationships with partners, family, and friends
  • Partnering with healthcare providers and accessing additional support
  • Preparing for Postpartum Period
Postpartum Depression

Welcoming a new baby is a life-altering experience, filled with moments of joy and challenges. At nurtuHER, we’re here to support you through the ups and downs of postpartum life. Our services include:

  • Postpartum Depression Support
  • Understanding Matrescence
  • Coping with NICU Stays
  • Navigating Traumatic Birth or Complications
  • Adjusting to Motherhood
  • Addressing Mom Guilt
  • Managing Irritability in Motherhood
  • Coping with Intrusive or Scary Thoughts
  • Strategies for Managing Sleep Deprivation
Grief & Loss

Navigating grief and loss during the perinatal journey is incredibly challenging. nurtuHER provides compassionate support and offers a safe space to process emotions and find healing for those:

  • Coping with infertility
  • Processing the trauma and grief 
  • Finding meaning and purpose after loss
  • Miscarriage
  • Infant loss

Struggling to conceive can be a deeply emotional and overwhelming journey. At nurtuHER, we offer compassionate support and guidance for those navigating the challenges of trying to conceive and infertility. We provide support for: 

  • Coping with the emotional stress and anxiety of infertility treatments.
  • Managing feelings of grief, loss, and disappointment associated with unsuccessful attempts to conceive.
  • Navigating relationship challenges and communication issues with partners during the fertility journey.
  • Addressing self-esteem and identity issues related to infertility and societal pressures.
  • Dealing with social isolation and stigma surrounding infertility.
Relationship Support

Parenthood often strains relationships, but at nurtuHER, we support healthier family dynamics. Women bear the brunt of domestic responsibilities and may feel undervalued. With the Fair Play Method, we help you:

  • Communicate effectively with your spouse
  • Understand and manage the invisible load of motherhood
  • Make invisible labor visible


Our services address:

  • Relationship stressors with partners, in-laws, and parents
  • Healthy communication and boundary-setting
  • Conflict, resentment, and declining relationship satisfaction
  • Communication challenges and diminished intimacy
  • Inequitable distribution of domestic responsibilities and mental load
  • Parenting as a team 

Let us guide you to a more harmonious family life.

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Why nurtuHER’s Work Matters


perinatal mental Health providers per 1,000 births in Texas

1 in 5

women suffer from Postpartum Depression (PPD) or Anxiety 

Hispanic Women and POC

have higher risk of developing PPD 


At nurtuHER, we're here to hold the mother and nurture HER, embracing every aspect of her journey through motherhood.

Before becoming a mother, I had no idea what to expect. All I heard were warnings about sleepless nights and loss of freedom. But what if these warnings had been more supportive? As a mom and maternal mental health therapist, I understand the challenges of motherhood firsthand. I’m here to support tired moms—not just physically tired, but emotionally and mentally exhausted. Let’s navigate this journey together.





Licensed & Professional


Retain Certified Badge
Fair Play Social Method

Teresa Urbina, LPC
Therapist for Moms

Teresa Urbina

At nurtuHER, we're here to hold the mother and nurture HER, embracing every aspect of her journey through motherhood.

Before becoming a mother, I had no idea what to expect. All I heard were warnings about sleepless nights and loss of freedom. But what if these warnings had been more supportive? As a mom and maternal mental health therapist, I understand the challenges of motherhood firsthand. I’m here to support tired moms—not just physically tired, but emotionally and mentally exhausted. Let’s navigate this journey together.

Teresa Urbina, LPC
Therapist for Moms

Teresa Urbina




Licensed & Professional


Retain Certified Badge
Fair Play Social Method