Hi, I am Teresa!

Before becoming a mother, I had no idea what to expect. All I heard were warnings about sleepless nights and loss of freedom. But what if these warnings had been more supportive? As a mom and maternal mental health therapist, I understand the challenges of motherhood firsthand. I’m here to support tired moms—not just physically tired, but emotionally and mentally exhausted. 

Teresa Urbina
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At nurtuHER, We Care for You: Because You Deserve to Be Held Too.

Let’s get real, mama: motherhood is challenging. It’s a journey filled with unexpected hurdles, overwhelming emotions, and pressure to be perfect. From the moment we become mothers, we’re bombarded with unrealistic expectations and societal pressures that can leave us feeling inadequate and alone.

Guess what? You’re not alone. As both a mom and a therapist specializing in supporting mothers, I understand the unique challenges you’re facing. I’ve navigated the postpartum trenches, trying to maintain my sense of self while meeting the demands of motherhood. I’ve felt the weight of mom guilt and questioned if I’m doing enough.

Through it all, I’ve discovered something powerful: it’s possible to find joy in the chaos of motherhood. I’ve learned to balance the emotional and mental load of motherhood, living in alignment with my values, and breaking generational cycles. And now, I’m here to share those practical tools and support with you. Consider me your trusted companion, someone who not only understands but can help you thrive in motherhood.

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